Using the Engineering Ethics Toolkit in your teaching

Dr. Sarah Jayne Hitt (NMITE, Edinburgh Napier University, Engineering Professors)

In March 2022, the UK’s Engineering Professors Council (EPC) launched the Engineering Ethics Toolkit to provide engineering educators with ready-to-use classroom resources and support in integrating ethics into their teaching. In March 2023, many additional Toolkit materials were launched to help educators understand, plan for, and implement ethics learning across engineering curricula. These are all found at 

The Toolkit is a project supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and complements its efforts to ensure that ethics is fully embedded in UK engineering education, training, and professional development. Guided by an advisory group of passionate engineering academics and leaders, the Toolkit resources have been created to highlight current and emerging real-world issues that learners can engage with from multiple disciplinary and ethical perspectives. For instance, one case considers the ethical and technical issues surrounding a chatbot developed by a small company to provide support services in a high school, and encourages students to consider how they might balance concerns about privacy and quality of data, as well as to weigh business imperatives alongside child wellbeing. A supplementary case enhancement provides an outline of a mapping activity that educators can use in the classroom to guide students in eliciting the value assumptions and motivations of different stakeholders in the dilemma as a method of making an ethical decision. Guidance articles are also available to help educators understand the context of ethics in engineering, and to provide suggestions for things like managing tough topics in discussion or applying an activity in a large section. 

These resources were developed by academic and industry professionals working in a variety of fields across three continents and representing career stages from Master’s student through company founder. Through a process of collaboration and review, the advisory group ensured that they adhered to current scholarship and established good practice in engineering ethics education. 

Another innovative recent addition to the Toolkit is the Ethics Explorer, an interactive tool that helps educators understand, plan for, and implement ethics learning across engineering curricula and showcases its alignment with accreditation criteria and graduate attributes. Further interactivity is promoted through the establishment of a community of practice called the Ethics Ambassadors.

Getting involved or simply using the Toolkit materials supports educators in their own professional development towards research-based teaching, active learning, and values-centered practice. After all, embedding ethics in engineering teaching complements institutional efforts towards interdisciplinarity, sustainability, EDI, and community engagement. And ethics education also links to national and international initiatives towards social and environmental responsibility.

The Engineering Ethics Toolkit has already received a lot of international traffic and is one of the most visited portions of the EPC website. We hope that even more people will engage with its resources and get involved: join the Ethics Ambassadors community to hear about forthcoming Engineering Ethics Toolkit features and events, including workshops, trainings, awards, and a dedicated search function. You can even tell us how you’ve used the toolkit in your teaching, contribute or review resources, or write a blog. Visit for more information.

Transforming Engineering Education and Research in India: looking forward to REES 2024!

Rohit Kandakatla and Sohum Sohoni

India is home to more than 2500 engineering colleges producing approximately 1.5 million engineering graduates annually. However, only 5% of the engineers graduate from nationally reputed government led institutions such as the Indian Institute’s of Technology (IITs) and National Institute’s of Technology (NITs), which have been established in different geographic locations of the country. The rest of the engineers graduate from privately funded colleges, which have mostly been established in the last two decades, as a result of the change in government policies to privatize higher education in India.

As reported by the “National Employability Report for Engineers 2019”, 80% of these engineering graduates are not suitable for employment after graduation, as they lack the required skills and mindset to work in the industry. Most of these institutions belong to private category and the statistics from the National Employability Report reflects the quality of engineering education they offer. The poor quality of engineering education can be attributed to multiple factors such as bad infrastructure, antiquated curriculum, lack of good faculty, students’ motivation to pursue engineering, etc.

The liberalization of the Indian economy in 1991 led a large number of international companies to enter the Indian markets. This coupled with the internet and software revolution a few years later led to a large number of IT services companies established in the country. The government’s foresight to prepare India’s youth for these emerging opportunities led to change in policies to allow the privatisation of higher education. India witnessed an exponential growth in number of engineering colleges since early 2000’s, with most of them being affiliated to a local government funded university, which prescribes the academic regulations, curriculum structure, course syllabus, and assessment process.

The Indian government in the last decade have reoriented their focus from quantity to quality to engineering education in the country in India. They have formed multiple regulatory and accreditation bodies that prescribe quality benchmarks that need to be adhered to by engineering colleges. The government has also launched national level ranking for engineering institutions to create a healthy competition among institutions and encourage them to aspire for high quality standards. Apart from the government, the transformation of engineering education in India was also led by professional organizations such as the The Indo-Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education(IUCEE).

IUCEE was founded in 2007 with the mission of improving the engineering education ecosystem in India. IUCEE predominantly works with tier-2 and tier-3 engineering colleges in India, providing various programs that aim to improve outcomes for students, faculty and the leadership at these institutions. IUCEE has also supported the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through its annual conference, the Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, and courses on research writing, research methods, and a year-long course in engineering education research. Transforming an ecosystem and collective mindsets requires extensive efforts, and IUCEE has experimented with several initiatives in outcomes-based education, project-based learning etc. engaging several dozens of institutions in India.

In 2020, India announced the National Education Policy (NEP) which aimed to reform and transform its entire education system. NEP 2020 was designed with a principle to nurture India’s next generation into good human beings who are capable of rational thought and action, who are compassionate and empathetic, who are courageous and resilient, and possess scientific temper, creative imagination, and sound ethical values. It aims to produce engaged and productive citizens who would contribute to the development of an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by our constitution.

Engineering education in India, now, needs to transform itself in alignment with the vision of NEP2020 and it needs to be led through systematic reflection, research, and practice. However, the aspirations of NEP are difficult to quantify and measure, and high quality research in engineering education especially qualitative methods in human-subjects research can serve as the necessary foundation for assessing progress on what NEP aims to achieve. The hosting of REES 2024i n India is therefore timely as it allows engineering educators in India to engage in thoughtful discussions with global engineering education researchers and develop a collective understanding on the potential directions engineering education research in India.

Cfp REES Conference (2-4 Jan 2024, KLE Technological University): dl for expressions of interest 25 May 2023

We are pleased to announce REES 2024 which will be held in conjunction with the Eleventh Annual International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024).

REES is a biennial conference of REEN (Research in Engineering Education Network: ICTIEE 2024 as well ASF 2024 (Annual Student Forum of IUCEE), will both be held on Jan 2-4, 2024. Details of these will be available later.

Research in Engineering Education Symposium – 2024

Call for Papers and Workshops

4-6 January 2024

KLE Technological University (Karnataka, India) (


The biennial Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES) is the signature event of the Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) that provides a forum to share, discuss, disseminate, and propagate high-quality research and best practices through the Global Engineering Education Research community. The 10th edition of the conference, REES 2024, will be held on 4-6 January 2024 in face-to-face mode. It is being jointly hosted by KLE Technological University (KLE Tech) and Indo-Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) at KLE Tech, B. V. Bhoomaraddi Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubballi, Karnataka, India (580031). The emergence of India as an important player in the global scenario and the implementation of the National Education Policy in India make it apt to choose the theme of REES 2024 as “Connecting Research-Policy-Practice for Transforming Engineering Education”. The conference aspires to galvanise the efforts of leaders, academia, policy, regulatory and monitoring agencies in engineering education worldwide to contribute and nurture the engineering education research ecosystem. In line with this aspiration, we are delighted to invite submissions of papers and workshop proposals.

  • The conference will be held in face-to – face mode only.
  • Themed clusters of papers will be presented in 90-minute sessions, including a 3-minute recording for each paper followed by a discussion on all papers in the session.
  • Workshops will be held face-to-face at KLE Tech for a duration of 90 minutes.
  • We invite you to submit abstracts/ workshop expressions of interest. Refer to the website for the templates

Important Dates

  • Call for Abstracts – 12th April 2023
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission – 25th May 2023
  • Abstract Acceptance Notication – 25th June 2023
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline – 25th August 2023
  • Full Paper Acceptance Notication – 10th October 2023
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline – 10th November 2023


Accepted papers and workshops will be presented/facilitated at the conference by registered participants. The conference proceedings will be Scopus indexed and available at

Authors must follow the templates available on the conference website.

Submission of abstracts will be via easychair only.

Refer to the website for submitting the Abstracts and Workshop Expression of Interest.


Introducing the Engineering Education Research Network Africa (EERN-Africa)

Esther Matemba and Lelanie Smith

EERN-Africa is a community of African Engineering education researchers and practitioners established in April 2021 by Dr Esther Matemba and Dr Lelanie Smith to build capacity in engineering education research and practice. The network that engages its members through the WhatsApp group and monthly meetings, has grown organically from the two founding members to more 90 members from 21 African countries on the continent.


The network was a result of initiatives that started from a group of colleagues that met during a coffee break discussion at an online event, “The Big Engineering Education Research MeetUp”, organised by Prof John Mitchell from the Centre for Engineering Education at University College London (UCL) and Prof Shannon Chance (who was REEN Chair at the time), at the onset of the pandemic (14th of May 2020).  The coffee break discussion that focused on the development of engineering education research (EER) in African countries was facilitated by Dr Mike Klassen (University of Toronto, Canada), Dr Lelanie Smith (University of Pretoria, South Africa), and Prof Aida Guerra (Aalborg University, Denmark). Dr Esther Matemba (Curtin University) was one of the participants.


The four connected and continued to work together, meeting online through Zoom to discuss ways to represent engineering education activities and develop engineering education research in Africa. They then planned and ran a workshop called “African Engineering Education Networking Workshop” at the World Engineering Education Forum in November 2020 and gained more contacts from attendees. The passionate engagements from workshop participants made it clear that not only was there a need for a community of practice in Africa but also there were many innovative and meaningful projects and initiatives already running that have just not had the right avenue or support to be brought to the international community’s attention. The group saw a need for a community of practitioners and researchers to support each other’s work and learn from each other towards developing capacity and leadership in this sector across the continent. That is when Dr Esther Matemba and Dr Lelanie Smith decided to form an informal community using a WhatsApp group and starting by inviting the participants of the WEEF workshop and others they knew in their personal network.


Over the last year many connections have been made, working on conference publications and collaborating on practitioners’ projects and the most recent initiative invited and co-wrote our first journal paper on the emergence of the CoP with 16 members of the network. This first journal paper is in the second round of review, and we have started discussion for further work. We have also recently applied for two funding opportunities through our connections and are having more conversations to enable peer learning in grant application and paper writing. This year the network turns its focus on starting and coordinating 6 special interest groups (SIGs) that were proposed from organically emerging areas of research collaboration within the network.


The network has kept its close link with the international Engineering Education Research Network, REEN through Dr Esther Matemba, who is also the Governing Board Member representing Africa. In the beginning of 2022 REEN delivered 5 free EER workshops for our group. We have also ensured representation at other regional and international entities. Recently, some members of the Network including the founders were at WEEF & GEDC 2022 in Cape Town where we got to meet face to face for the first time. At the conference, we got a lot of opportunity to promote EER in Africa to participants including organisations like UNESCO, and RAE, IFEES and Industry partners as well as members of the GEDC. We were able to make the most of having the conference in our region with some organisers being part of EERN-Africa.

All in all this initiative has broken new ground to set in place the structure to support the emergence of a community of African engineering education researchers and practitioners.

call for AJEE special issue on Capacity Building

Australasian Journal of Engineering Education

Special Issue ‘Engineering Education Research Capability Development’

Call for Papers

Since the late 20th century, engineering education research has been expanding as a formal field (Wankat et al., 2002), although its identity is varied across institutions and countries around the world (Godfrey & Hadgraft, 2009; Kumar et al., 2021). This diversity in how engineering education research is experienced across contexts also impacts how capability is developed in engineering education, including identities, knowledges, practices, graduate programs communities, agendas, funding, and pathways. Having a collective discussion on the diverse approaches to capability development, including who engages with engineering education research, how engineering education research is undertaken, and the associated outcomes, will expand the global understanding of the field and inform future capacity building.

We are soliciting original manuscripts for a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Engineering Education exploring ‘Engineering Education Research Capability Development’. Guest Editors for the issue are Dr Sarah Dart, Queensland University of Technology, Dr Jillian Seniuk Cicek, University of Manitoba, and Dr Sohum Sohoni, Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Participants of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium – Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference (REES AAEE 2021) themed interactive paper sessions are invited to develop papers, including those focused on the conference subthemes. Additionally, papers may be expanded from a research paper presented at REES AAEE 2021, or they may be original papers on the theme.

Full papers for the special issue must be submitted to the Journal by 31 July 2022 for consideration for review. The Editorial Team plans to publish the special issue in May 2023.

The guest editors envision a range of empirical studies, theoretical and conceptual explorations, and reviews, on developing engineering education research capability in local, national and international contexts involving, but not limited to, topics such as:

  • Faculty/academic development, training, and practice
  • Stakeholder engagement in the field (e.g., students, academics, graduate researchers, mentors, reviewers, editors, authors, funders, industry partners, research teams, professional staff, university policy-makers, governments)
  • Development of research communities
  • Impact of research agendas on the field
  • Graduate programs (e.g., graduate students, supervisors, advisors)
  • Pathways, trajectories, and careers (e.g. graduate students, professional development programs, early-career engineering education researchers; challenges, barriers, opportunities)
  • Developing academic capability in embedding Aboriginal/Indigenous perspectives in curriculum
  • Developing capabilities related to inclusion, intersectionality, diversity, decoloniality, equity, accessibility, and cultural relevancy
  • Enhancing student capabilities in engineering


Authors should ensure that manuscripts align with the Aims and Scope, and submission guidelines, of the Journal ( The international relevance or relevance to the Australasian region must be clear. Paper should by 5000 to 7000 words including references.


Papers must be submitted through the journal website ( In the submission process, authors should select ‘Special Issue: Engineering Education Research Capability Development’.


The lead guest editor is:

Jillian Seniuk Cicek, Ph.D. (she/her)

Assistant Professor|Fellow, CEEA-ACÉG

Centre for Engineering Professional Practice & Engineering Education

333 Stanley Pauley Engineering Building|97 Dafoe Road

Price Faculty of Engineering|University of Manitoba

Winnipeg MB|R3T 5V6 Canada





Godfrey, E., & Hadgraft, R. (2009). Engineering education research: Coming of age in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(4), 307-308.

Kumar, S. S., Gamieldien, Y., Case, J. M., & Klassen, M. (2021). Institutionalizing Engineering Education Research: Comparing New Zealand and South Africa Research in Engineering Education & Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference,

Wankat, P. C., Felder, R. M., Smith, K. A., & Oreovicz, F. S. (2002). The scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering. In M. Taylor Huber & S. P. Morreale (Eds.), Disciplinary styles in the scholarship of teaching and learning: Exploring common ground (pp. 217-237). American Association for Higher Education.


fully funded Maths Ed PhD at TU Dublin, Ireland

Please find details of a fully funded Maths Ed PhD at the following link:

PhD project: Enablers and Barriers: An investigation into students’ thoughts when engaging with procedural and problem-solving tasks in mathematics at Technological University Dublin on

PhD Project – PhD project: Enablers and Barriers: An investigation into students’ thoughts when engaging with procedural and problem-solving tasks in mathematics at Technological University Dublin, listed on

Expressions of interest will be sent to and 

I appreciate you mentioning this to students/colleagues for whom it may be of interest.


Fiona, Paul and Ciaran

SJEE special issue on Engineering Ecosystems and the Development of Engineering Skills in Africa

Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE) Special Issue Call for papers: Engineering ecosystems and the development of engineering skills in Africa

Full call document is available at:


Engineering education does not exist in a vacuum. As a professional field of study, it operates in a dynamic relationship with educational institutions, industry and the makers of policy that influence how engineering functions in society. Each actor emphasises in different ways the knowledge, skills and purpose of the profession. The relative emphasis of engineering education and the characteristics of institutions that define and deliver it, can vary enormously across different contexts. This special issue aims to explore this interconnectedness with the aim of strengthening engineering education taking into consideration local contexts, especially in the Global South (Matemba, 2022). To do so, it draws on the notion of engineering ecosystems (Klassen & Wallace, 2019), which offers a potential framework on which to build, and which can evolve.

The notion of an ‘engineering ecosystem’ uses a metaphor from biology to highlight the interconnectedness of social, technological and organisational actors involved in engineering practice. It implies a diversity of actors and policies, embedded in multiple levels of hierarchies and multiple feedback loops. One way of visualising an engineering ecosystem is shown in the diagram below, highlighting the complexity of actors, the tensions and feedback between research structures, the undergraduate teaching/curriculum, and the role of different types and sizes of industry partners in the process. This is only one way of depicting an ecosystem; we hope to draw out other visualisations and conceptualisations through the special issue.

Research on engineering ecosystems in Africa needs to pay attention to the local context and political economy: what are the important national actors and policies shaping engineering education? How is practice organised and what legislation underpins it? What is the role of accreditation bodies in shaping the curricula offered by universities? And how do industries interact with higher education institutions (HEIs) to shape future engineering practitioners? These are all important research questions, and their answers will vary across countries.

Research on engineering ecosystems in Africa needs to pay attention to the local context and political economy: what are the important national actors and policies shaping engineering education? How is practice organised and what legislation underpins it? What is the role of accreditation bodies in shaping the curricula offered by universities? And how do industries interact with higher education institutions (HEIs) to shape future engineering practitioners? These are all important research questions, and their answers will vary across countries.

Potential topics to be explored in this issue include, but are not limited to: • Models for strengthening university-industry partnerships; • Student-focused initiatives to develop engineering skills; • Industry policies and participation in skills development; • The role of professional bodies in engineering accreditation; • Tensions and alignments between research and teaching missions in engineering schools, including different experiences of graduate vs. undergraduate students; • Professional development for graduate and early career engineering practitioners; • Culture and socialisation in engineering education, including gendered social norms; • Work-based learning; • Practice-oriented pedagogies (e.g. problem based learning) and the influence of professional voices/actors in shaping their uptake.

Submission information and timeline Information session / informal workshop: 5 May 2022 Submission of 1,000-word extended Abstract: 15 May 2022 Notification of reviewer feedback and Invitation to submit full papers: 15 June 2022 Deadline for submission of full papers: 1 September 2022

Instructions for authors – extended abstracts Extended abstracts should clearly outline the research questions, theoretical framework, methodology and an early indication of findings and their implications. Abstracts should explain which aspects of the engineering ecosystem are included in the study and why, and which key relationships are being explored/investigated. In addition, some basic context on the African country/countries in the study should be included to frame the ecosystem, and to identify unique features of the educational and professional systems in question.

Note that authors are also welcome to submit a full paper directly for consideration in the special issue, provided it meets the above requirements for an extended abstract.

Correspondence: More information about the journal and instructions for submission may be found on the website: This call is under Announcements.

Special Issue Guest Editors • Manimagalay Chetty, SJEE and Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa • Gussai Sheikheldin, Research Fellow, Science Technology Innovation Policy Research Organisation, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania • Esther Matemba, Curtin University, Western Australia • Mike Klassen, University of Toronto, Canada


Klassen, M., & Wallace, M. (2019) “Engineering ecosystems: a conceptual framework for research and training in Sub-Saharan Africa” AEEA conference, Nigeria. amework_for_research_and_training_in_sub-Saharan_Africa

Matemba, E. (2022). Redefining the dominated power position in global engineering and in globalization studies in engineering education. SEFI editorial. in-globalization-studies-in-engineering-education/

Matemba, E., & Lloyd, N. (2017). Internationalisation of Professional Engineers: A Review of Globalisation of Engineering Education and Accreditation-Challenges from an African Perspective. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33(6), 2083–2097.

Sheikheldin, G., & Nyichomba, B. (2019). Engineering education, development and growth in Africa. Scientific African, 6, e00200.

Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education: Join the team of authors!

Please consider contributing to the upcoming Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education. 

You can express your interest in joining the team of authors of the Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education by submitting your details no later than May 1st, 2022. Further information and link to the expression of interest form are both available via:

University of Johannesburg seeking Associate Professor OR Senior Lecturer (Faculty of Engineering & The Built Environment: Deans Office)

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is re-posting this job advert:

It is similar to the call we distributed previously,  but now at Associate Professor OR Senior Lecturer level.  UJ did not get enough applicants to appoint at the Associate Professor level the first time around. 

The call was sent to REEN by Dr Zachary Simpson,  Senior Lecturer, Engineering Education (

2022 Horizons in STEM Higher Education conference at University College London

The 2022 Horizons in STEM Higher Education conference at University College London (UCL) on the 29th and 30th June 2022. It will run as a hybrid event with the hope that most will come to London to participate. To support the conference aims of Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy, the conference committee welcomes theme-based submissions in any STEM subject area. The intention is to provide opportunities where teaching innovation and pedagogy might be shared with all STEM colleagues, or where more subject-specific discussions might ensue, these will be of interest to a range of STEM disciplines. In each case, the conference is all about making connections and we would particularly encourage abstracts from early-career colleagues.  We also welcome international contributions that explore any of these themes.

The call for abstracts is now open. Abstract submission deadline is 5pm (London) on Friday 25th February 2022.