Engineering education research is a continually growing field of study. This growth is supported by the numerous journals that publish engineering education research. Representatives from these journals have joined together with REEN to help researchers navigate available publication venues and improve the overall quality of reviews provided by engineering education research journals.

Note: If you are an editor and would like to have your journal listed here, please submit the Journal info for consideration here.


Engineering Education Journals

Advances in Engineering Education (AEE)                                   

American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)                    

ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education. 

Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)                 

Engineering Studies                                                                            

European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE)                        

Global Journal of Engineering Education 

IEEE Transactions on Education                                                        

International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE)                     

International  Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)   

Journal of Engineering Education (JEE)           

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET)

Journal of International Engineering Education (JIEE)

Journal of Pre-college Engineering Education Research (J-PEER)  

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM)

>SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement (SEEA)

Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE)

World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE).

Studies in Engineering Education (SEE)


Discipline Focused Journals

Journal of Civil Engineering Education (JCEE)

Chemical Engineering Education (CEE)

Biomedical Engineering Education

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

Journal of Materials Education

Computer Science Education

Education for Chemical Engineers

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Journal of Cleaner Production

Advances in Engineering Education (AEE)

Editor: Holly Matusovich

Publisher: ASEE

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The mission of Advances of Engineering Education is to disseminate significant, proven innovations in engineering education practice, including those that are enhanced through the creative use of multimedia.

URL for Journal Details: 

Formatting Requirements:

Page charges or costs to publish: Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to pay a publication charge of $250 per paper.
Open Access Policy: Yes
Print and online or online only: Online only

American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)

Editor: Yonghui Wang

Journal Email:

Publisher: Clute Institute

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) welcomes articles that bridge the worlds of theory and practice, identify cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional innovation, and describe educational strategies to address the changing role that engineering plays in society and in driving local and global economies. AJEE is a widely cited, completely open access journal that is an essential for engineering education professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to articles focusing on theory as well as those focusing on practice, assessment and mainstreaming of innovative engineering education strategies. Of particular interest are articles that assess and evaluate programs and strategies designed to promote creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Other topics include broadening recruitment in engineering with particular interest in underrepresented populations and increasing student retention in engineering programs

URL for Journal Details: 

Formatting Requirements: 
Page charges or costs to publish: Article Processing Charge (APC) depending on paper length – <2,500 words = $400, to 10,000 to 12500 words = $1200. No submission fee.
Open Access Policy: Yes
Number of Issues per year: 4
Print and online or online only: Online only 

ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education

Editor: Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof,

Publisher: Penerbit UTM Press

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) welcomes papers that bridge the world of theory and practice in engineering education. It considers manuscripts focusing on theory as well as those focusing on practice, assessment, and innovation in engineering education. There are two sections in the journal where the first section focuses on rigorous research on engineering education, while the second section includes papers that offer scholarly experience sharing on the practice and innovation in engineering education strategies.
Engineering Education comprises research areas of epistemology, teaching and learning, assessment, curriculum, accreditation, first-year experience, talent grooming from school level and others that can further improve engineering education to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

URL of any author resources:  

URL for submission: 

Formatting Requirements for submission:

Word formatting template can be found here:

Page charges or costs to publish: No Cost – free

Open Access Policy: Open Access

Number of Issues per year: 2

Print and online or online only: Online only

Policy on previously published conference papers: Accept but the content must be expanded by 50%.


Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE)

Editor: Sally Male

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: 

The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is published under the auspices of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), a technical society of Engineers Australia. The AJEE publishes research to inform high quality engineering education in Australasia and internationally.

Papers in the AJEE report research that makes an original contribution to knowledge and can be used to improve engineering education by informing practice, policy, and/or research.  

Fields of interest include the following:

  1. engineering education throughout the lifespan including: kindergarten, primary,    secondary and tertiary education, and learning throughout the career
  2. education for engineering team members including: engineering associates, engineering technologists, professional engineers, engineering managers and executives, and people contributing to society using engineering knowledge and skills
  3. understanding engineering practice to inform curriculum development.

Contributions must be relevant to readers in Australasia and/or internationally. Studies that are relevant only to readers in a region outside Australasia would not be considered for publication.

AJEE is published online and in print. Papers can be accessed online as soon as the review and production processes are completed.

Papers accepted for publication have been peer reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review process is single-blind. Reviewers are not identified to the authors. Authors are identified to the reviewers.

The journal publishes original empirical research including reviews of literature/studies that use a systematic methodology. The journal invites papers from all empirical traditions (quantitative, qualitative, interpretive, mixed, review, critical).

Any restrictions on paper length: Submitted papers should not normally exceed 6,000 words. However, acceptable contributions range from 5,000 to 7,000 words including the abstract and references. Letters to the editor should not exceed 1,500 words.

URL for Journal Details:

URL for author resources: 

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission: AJEE now accepts format-free submissions for review 

Page charges or costs to publish: No

Open Access Policy: Open access available for a fee

Number of Issues per year: 2

Print and online or online only: Print and online

Engineering Studies

Editor: Jessica M. Smith 

Journal Editor Email: 

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: Engineering Studies aims to advance critical analysis in historical, social, cultural, political, philosophical, rhetorical, and organizational studies of engineers and engineering. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the culture and practice of engineering (broadly construed), with the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS) as a foundation. While we sometimes publish articles that have an engineering education context, we do not publish studies that take a narrowly instrumental approach to evaluating or improving engineering education techniques. Articles with an engineering education context must engage with and speak to engineering studies, not engineering education as the primary audience. 

Any restrictions on paper length: under 10,000 words including notes

URL for Journal Details: 

URL of any author resources: 

URL for submission: 

Formatting Requirements for submission: reference style here (, formatting templates here (, style guide here (

Page charges or costs to publish: No page charges or publication fees other than for color figures in the print journal

Open Access Policy: hybrid model – we publish subscription-only, free, and Open Access content; contact Taylor & Francis for fees and discounts/waivers for authors with some institutional affiliations

Number of Issues per year: 3

Print and online or online only: print and online

Policy on previously published conference papers: Articles must contain at least 80% original, previously unpublished material. Authors must include in a footnote stating that parts of the paper were previously published and include the citation. 

European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE)

Editor: Kristina Edström

Journal Email:

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: European Journal of Engineering Education is a forum for scholarly dialogue to further engineering education.

  • The journal embraces multiple perspectives to examine relevant conditions, developments, approaches, methods and experiences relevant for the education of engineers. 

  • It is a European journal with global readership and authorship. While the European context is emphasised, papers presenting wider international or intercultural dimensions, of interest to our readers, could also be considered for publication.

  • The journal focuses on higher engineering education. It could also consider related contexts of general interest to the engineering education community, such as prior education.

  • Usefulness implies that papers should be useful to readers outside the context where the work was made. Usefulness can take many forms, to readers who can be educators, researchers, specialists, leaders, or other stakeholders of engineering education.

  • Scholarliness refers to the significance and novelty of the contribution, consistency and soundness of the research approach, connection to relevant literature, coherence and readability of the paper, as well as credibility and quality of the ideas and insights generated.

European Journal of Engineering Education invites relevant contributions that combine scholarliness with usefulness for improving engineering education.

Any restrictions on paper length: Papers are typically between 6.000 and 8.000 words. Longer manuscripts can also be considered.

URL for Journal Details:

URL of any author resources: 

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission: Format-free submissions (see

Page charges or costs to publish: No page charge

Open Access Policy: To make an article open access, a publishing charge (APC) applies. Please contact for details. Taylor & Francis offer a 10% discount to institutional members of European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).

Number of Issues per year: 6

Print and online or online only: Online only (since 2023).

Global Journal of Engineering Education

Editor: Prof. Zenon J. Pudlowski

Publisher: World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE)


The Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE) is included in the Scopus journal citation index, one of the products of Elsevier, the world’s leading multinational publisher of science and health information. This represents a step forward in our persistent endeavour to make the Journal available to a wider global community. As widely known by the scholarly international community, the SciVerse Scopus abstract and citation database is the largest of its kind as it includes close to 40,000 titles.
Also, the GJEE is included in the list of journals generated by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative. The paramount objective of the ERA initiative was to launch a journal ranking list on a discipline-specific basis to evaluate research excellence and research impact.


IEEE Transactions on Education

Editor in Chief: John Mitchell

Journal Email:

Publisher: IEEE

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE) publishes significant and original scholarly contributions to education in electrical and electronics engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and other fields within the scope of interest of IEEE. Contributions must address discovery, integration, and/or application of knowledge in education in these fields. Articles must support contributions and assertions with compelling evidence and provide explicit, transparent descriptions of the processes through which the evidence is collected, analyzed, and interpreted.

URL for Journal Details:

URL of any author resources: 

URL for submission: 

Formatting requirements for submission:

Page charges or costs to publish: ree up to 8 pages for Scholarship of Application and Scholarship of Discovery 10 pages for Scholarship of Integration, $200/page after.

Open Access Policy: Subscription, OA on request with article processing charge (APC) for hybrid journals is US$2,195

Number of issues per year: 6

Print and online or online only: Online (from Jan 2020)

International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE)

Editor: Ahmad Ibrahim

Journal Email (manuscript submission):

Publisher: Tempus Publications

Email (subscriptions, page charge, etc.)

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: Work that could be of interest to engineering education researchers and practitioners

Any restrictions on paper length: Papers exceeding 15 pages are discouraged

URL for Journal Details:  

URL of any author resources:

URL for submission:  

Formatting requirements for submission:  

Page charges or costs to publish:    

Open Access Policy:

Number of issues per year: 6

Print and online or online only: Print and online

International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)

Editor: Dr. Matthias Utesch

Journal Editor Email:

Publisher: International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES)

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) is an independent, peer-reviewed online journal. It serves as an international forum related to engineering education, published at present four times a year. Teachers, educators and researchers as well as schools and institutions are invited to discuss their research, experiences, ideas and perspectives in the field of engineering pedagogy at a worldwide level.

URL for Journal Details:

URL of any author resources:

URL for submission: or

Ethical Guidelines and Author Guidelines must be read, understood and adhered to:

Page charges or costs to publish:

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Full papers: 510 EUR – 12-16 pages (+20 EUR/each additional page)

Short Papers: 460 EUR – max. 8 pages

Reports, Application Notes: 460 EUR – max. 16 pages (+20 EUR/each additional page)

Individual members of the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) pay a reduced APC of 250 EUR (200 EUR for short papers and reports)..

Open Access Policy:

The journal is open access, but there no link is expressively foreseen for the policy in the journal system. There is a remark on the home page and another one in the copyright notice:

Number of Issues per year: 6

Print and online or online only: Online only

Policy on previously published conference papers: We invite authors to submit an extended and/or updated version of their conference papers via the journal’s web. But please note: We expect authors to revise/extend their paper by at least 30%. Also, a slightly changed headline would be good. We will publish these papers with a foot note: “This is a revised and extended version of a presentation given during the <xxxxx> conference.”


Journal of Engineering Education (JEE)

Editors: David Knight ( and Joyce Ma (

Publisher: Wiley and Sons

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) publishes original research (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods) that contributes significantly to the body of knowledge in the field of engineering education. JEE accepts empirical investigations, research reviews, with other types of papers such as guest editorials (short essays presenting an opinion on an aspect of engineering education research) considered upon editor approval.

Any restrictions on paper length: Recommended word count is 8,000 – 10,000 words, including references

URL for Journal Details: 

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission: Recommend APA guidelines

Page charges or costs to publish: No page charges

Open Access Policy: Open access option is available with a $3710 article publication cost (no additional page charges), subject to a 15% discount for ASEE members

Number of Issues per year: 4

Print and online or online only: Online only (since January 2022)

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET)

Editor Email:

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (JEET) is a forum to facilitate conversations among engineering educators who would like to showcase their transformational work as publications reviewed by expert educators from across the world. Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) is publishing this Journal in partnership with Rajarambapu Institute of Technology. ”Journal of Engineering Education Transformations” is a transformed version of “The Journal of Engineering Education”, which was being published by a pioneer of engineering education, Prof. Ratnalikar, since 1985.

URL for journal details:

URL of any author resources: 

Formatting Requirements for submission: 

The plan is to use formatting guidelines of the IEEE 2-column format, with one major difference- JEET requires APA style for citations.

Page charges or costs to publish: No publication charges or costs for authors

Open Access Policy: JEET opens its papers for open access for 3 months out of the calendar year, subscription required otherwise

Number of Issues per year: 4

Print and online or online only: Both, print and online

Policy on previously published conference papers: Submitted manuscript should have at least 30% additional material compared to the previously published conference paper, with an emphasis on contextualization of the work with regards to existing literature on the topic.

Journal of International Engineering Education (JIEE)

Editor: Brent Jesiek, Sigrid Berka, and Damon Rarick

Journal Email:

Publisher: University of Rhode Island

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The Journal of International Engineering Education (JIEE) serves as a unique peer-reviewed resource for academic, corporate, non-profit, and other constituencies involved in creating, maintaining, growing, and studying international engineering education programs. Complimentary with the Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education, it provides an academic forum to exchange ideas, find like-minded thinkers and researchers, foster new collaborations, and explore new facets of international engineering education. The JIEE strives to disseminate pertinent research and scholarship to academics and professionals interested in the field. Submissions to JIEE must deal with an aspect of internationalizing engineering education, for example through student and/or faculty exchange, international program assessment, or other transnational aspects affecting the internationalization of engineering programs. JIEE does not publish technical articles.

URL for Journal Details:

Formatting Requirements: no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission

Open Access Policy: Yes
Print and online or online only: Online only


Journal of Pre-college Engineering Education Research (J-PEER)

Editor: Senay Purzer,

Publisher: Purdue University Press

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted:The Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) disseminates original scholarly articles that seek to investigate, enhance, and transform pre-college engineering education. Manuscripts within the scope of J-PEER include, but are not limited to, research that investigates: pre-college engineering learning mechanisms; informal learning environments; instructional cultures and inclusive education; professional development models; curriculum and assessment studies; the role of caregivers in engineering engagement; and engineering epistemologies relevant to pre-college education.

URL for Journal Details:

Open Access: Yes

Page charges or costs to publish: J-PEER does not require author processing charges or other publication fees.

Formatting Requirements: 

Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM)

Editor: Julie P. Martin –

Publisher: Begell House

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM) publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report on empirical investigations covering a variety of topics related to achieving inclusion of historically underrepresented and minoritized populations in science and engineering education, academe, and professional practice. These populations include those who identify as people of color, white women, first generation college students, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and the intersections of these and other identities. The journal especially welcomes research manuscripts that use theoretical frameworks and methodologies appropriate to the study of underrepresented and marginalized populations and/or use intersectional approaches. The journal also publishes studies on novel educational innovations that hold promise for transferability to other contexts.

URL for Journal Details: 

URL of any author resources:

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission available at: 

Page charges or costs to publish: no charge for regular access; $ for open access

Open Access Policy: Begell House offers two types of open access: Green (open access after 1 year embargo, free) and Gold (immediate open access, $1500 USD fee)

Number of Issues per year: 6

Print and online or online only: print and online

Policy on previously published conference papers: If a preliminary version of the manuscript was published in conference proceedings, provide the conference publication information, including URL if possible, and describe how the manuscript was changed from the conference paper. If a preliminary version of a manuscript has been published in a copyrighted conference proceeding, please describe how the current manuscript is a significant extension of the conference version. Authors should include full citation information for the conference version. “Significant expansion” includes collection of additional data and/or reanalysis of original data using more sophisticated analysis methods or theoretical frameworks.

​SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement (SEEA)

Editor: Gareth Thomson

Publisher: European Society of Engineering Education (SEFI)

URL for Journal Details:

URL for any author resources:

Page charges or costs to publish: €450

Print and online or online only: online only

Brief Synopsis of scope/types of papers accepted: The Journal welcomes appropriate submissions of innovations in practices, approaches, or ideas within the field, which will appeal and be useful to practitioners as well as researchers. To contribute to the advancement of engineering education, the work submitted must always be novel and original. In addition, it should be deemed relevant and applicable, stimulating, tested and suitably scholarly.


Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE)

Editor: Bruce Kloot

Publisher: South African Society of Engineering Education

URL for Journal Details:

URL for any author resources:

URL for submission: Must login or register to make a submission

Formatting Requirements for submission: None in first submission but there is a template for subsequent rounds

Page charges or costs to publish: None

Open Access Policy: Diamond open access (no cost to readers and authors)

Number of Issues per year: 1 (for now)

Print and online or online only: online only

Brief Synopsis of scope/types of papers accepted: While the journal particularly values empirical investigations, other forms of research (such as papers exploring theoretical perspectives or methodological approaches, review papers, as well as practice-oriented articles) will be considered. Furthermore, while critical perspectives from the Global South are the main interest, papers that deal with wider international or intercultural dimensions, of interest to our readership, could also be appraised for publication.



World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE)

Editor: Prof. Zenon J. Pudlowski
Publisher: World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE)

In 2002, an international journal called the World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE) was established at the then UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE), which was based at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. With the closure of the UICEE in December 2008 and the transfer of intellectual property and copyright on to its founding Editor-in-Chief and the former UICEE Director, the publication of this highly successful journal was resumed in 2009 under the auspices of the World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE).
The WTE&TE has been included in the list of journals generated by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative. The paramount objective of this initiative is to launch a journal ranking list on a discipline-specific basis to evaluate research excellence and research impact.
The WTE&TE is included in the Scopus Journal Citation Index, one of the products of Elsevier, the world’s leading multinational publisher of science and health information. This represents a further step forward in our persistent endeavour to make the Journal available to a wider global community of engineering and technology educators.



Studies in Engineering Education (SEE)

Editors: Shane Brown, and Marie Paretti,

Publisher: VT Publishing

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: SEE is an international, open-access, peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for high-quality research conducted in all settings and contexts relevant to engineering education, with an emphasis on contextually rich reflective discussions of issues and approaches important to engineering education researchers and practitioners.SEE focuses on interpretive research paradigms and invites a wide range of studies that help expand the body of knowledge in engineering education, including ethnographic, anthropological, phenomenological, and other forms of empirical research, as well as literature reviews and theoretical or conceptual articles that seek to frame critical issues in the field. 

Any restrictions on paper length: 10,000-12,000 words

URL for Journal Details:  

URL of any author resources:  

URL for submission:  

Formatting Requirements for submission: The manuscript should be submitted using 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. References should follow APA format.

Page charges or costs to publish: $1000 per article

Open Access Policy: Fully open-access

Number of Issues per year: 2

Print and online or online only: Online only


Discipline Focused Journals


Journal of Civil Engineering Education (JCEE)

(Formerly Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice)

Editor: Shane Brown

Publisher: ASCE American Society of Civil Engineering

Brief synopsis of scope / types of papers accepted: The Journal of Civil Engineering Education presents issues of broad professional interest and diverse views of civil engineering education, with a special focus on connecting engineering and construction education to professional practice. Papers examine research on effective methods to teach engineering and construction principles and prepare students to succeed in practice, with emphasis on the engineer’s and constructor’s professional obligations and responsibilities. Topics include engineering education at all levels, teaching practice issues, ethics education, and case studies of pedagogy.

Any restrictions on paper length: No

URL for Journal Details:

URL of any author resources:

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission:

Page charges or costs to publish: None

Open Access Policy: 

Number of Issues per year: 4

Print and online or online only: Print and online

 Chemical Engineering Education (CEE)

Editor: Donald P. Visco, Jr., 

Publisher: ASEE, ChE Division


Description: Chemical Engineering Education (CEE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of the international community of educators in chemical engineering and related disciplines. CEE is the premier archival journal within the field and originated in 1962. Papers published in CEE must be of interest to chemical engineering and related educators. Thus, papers are expected to focus on teaching chemical engineering, ChE curriculum and courses, ChE students, the future of the field, etc. CEE accepts a wide-variety of articles types (e.g. general manuscripts, class and home problems, lifelong learning, teaching tips, guest editorials, etc.) However, all submissions are expected to be scholarly. Each submission receives an initial review from the Editor, who decides whether the submission is rejected, returned to the author for edits prior to review or moves to review.

About the journal: Chemical Engineering Education (CEE) is a peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of the international community of educators in chemical engineering and related disciplines. CEE originated in 1962 and is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Additional information is available at
URL of any author resources:

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission:

Page charges or costs to publish: No charge

Open Access Policy: Subscription (open access after one-year embargo).

Number of Issues per year: 4

Print and online or online only: Print and online (sold separately)

Policy on previously published conference papers: Papers that have been published in a non-archival medium such as the ASEE Proceedings or FIE Proceedings can be submitted to CEE if publication would not violate copyright agreements and there are significant enhancements to the original paper. The original publication needs to be cited, and the introduction should include specific comments about how the original paper has been enhanced. The best way to write the enhanced paper is to rewrite the entire paper; however, if parts of the paper are identical to the original paper, overlapping portions of text must be identified and treated as quotations. Republishing is most appropriate when the original publication consisted of preliminary results that can be expanded upon in the CEE article. As a rule of thumb, at least 1/3 of the article must be significantly different than the previous article. Articles that have been published in or are being considered by other archival journals should not be submitted to CEE. Additional guidelines available at


Biomedical Engineering Education

Editor: Ann Saterbak, (Contact:

Description: Biomedical Engineering Education is an interdisciplinary, international journal that presents articles on the practice and scholarship of education in bioengineering, biomedical engineering, and its allied fields. Biomedical Engineering Education documents and shares advances in the field as educators support students’ learning in these rapidly evolving fields. The journal publishes a wide range of topics to advance the quality of all levels of biomedical engineering education through academic articles and communications that reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field. Biomedical Engineering Education includes Research, Innovation, Teaching Tips, Perspectives, and Review articles that cover curriculum design; engineering education research; novel course content, laboratory experiments and demonstrations; program highlights; assessment of teaching and learning in BME; P-12 educational outreach in BME; and advising and professional development of BME students.

URL of any author resources:

URL for submission:

Formatting Requirements for submission:

Page charges or costs to publish:

Open Access Policy:

Number of Issues per year: 2

Print and online or online only: Print and online

Policy on previously published conference papers: If a conference paper contains a copyright transfer (like ASEE), we will not consider republishing.




International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education (IJMEE)

Editor: Ron J Hugo

Publisher: SAGE Journals


The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education is aimed at teachers and trainers of mechanical engineering students in higher education and focuses on the discussion of the principles and practices of training professional, technical and mechanical engineers and those in related fields. It publishes peer-reviewed articles about new experimental methods, and laboratory techniques, and includes book reviews and highlights of recent articles in this field.


Computer Applications in Engineering Education (CAEE)

Editor: Magdy Iskander

Publisher: Wiley


Description: Computer Applications in Engineering Education provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed timely information on the innovative uses of computers, Internet, and software tools in engineering education. Besides new courses and software tools, the CAE journal covers areas that support the integration of technology-based modules in the engineering curriculum and promotes discussion of the assessment and dissemination issues associated with these new implementation methods.

The journal publishes research articles in the following areas:
· New software tools and multimedia modules for engineering education
· Development and implementation experiences of Internet and web-based courses
· New software tools for virtual and real laboratory development
· Distance learning and use of technology-based tools in classroom teaching
· Visualization, computer graphics, social networking tools, and I/O issues
· Use of commercial software tools in education
· Federal and commercial programs and funding opportunities
· K-12 STEM topics and impact on engineering education


Journal of Materials Education

Editor: John Baglin

Publisher: International Council on Materials Education


Description: The Journal welcomes manuscripts on a wide variety of topics related to Education in Materials Science and Engineering, including pedagogical and technical subject areas, new materials, new characterization procedures, new processing techniques, and strategic development of education programs. Articles will be carefully peer reviewed prior to acceptance for publication.

Open Access: Publication of papers in Open Access – downloadable freely from the ICME website – is possible. The fee paid by the authors is US$ 2150. Another option is Open Access 12 months after publication; the fee in this case is US$ 1075.


Computer Science Education (CSED)

Editor: Brian Dorn, Jan Vahrenhold

Publisher: Taylor and Francis


Description: Computer Science Education publishes high-quality papers with a specific focus on teaching and learning within the computing discipline. The journal seeks novel contributions that are accessible and of interest to researchers and practitioners alike. We invite work with learners of all ages and across both classroom and out-of-classroom learning contexts. We welcome submissions that are situated in the computing education research literature and draw on diverse theories and research methods, including those that borrow from allied fields such as educational psychology, cognitive science, and the learning sciences. Papers may present work at various scales, from lab-based small-scale investigations to classroom interventions to national/international policy or implementation analyses. The journal is not dedicated to any single research orientation. It welcomes a variety of methods, e.g., quantitative, qualitative, experimental, case-study, computational, or mixed-methods work, as long as these methods rigorously address the questions posed by authors.


Education for Chemical Engineers

Editor: Jarka Glassey

Publisher: Institution of Chemical Engineers


Description: Education for Chemical Engineers was launched in 2006 with a remit to publish education research papers, resource reviews and teaching and learning notes. ECE is targeted at chemical engineering academics and educators, discussing the ongoing changes and development in chemical engineering education. This international title publishes papers from around the world, creating a global network of chemical engineering academics. Papers demonstrating how educational research results can be applied to chemical engineering education are particularly welcome, as are the accounts of research work that brings new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating direction for future research relevant to chemical engineering education.


South African Journal of Chemical Engineering

Editor: Milan Carsky

Publisher: Elsevier


Description: South African Journal of Chemical Engineering (SAJCE) is a fully open access title requiring authors to pay a publication fee once the paper has been accepted for publication. The journal aims to be the principal open access journal for publication of high quality, original papers in all areas of chemical engineering. The journal has a particular interest in publishing papers on the unique issues facing chemical engineering taking place in countries that are rich in resources but face specific technical and societal challenges, which require detailed knowledge of local conditions to address.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Editor: Professor Walter Leal Filho,

Publisher: Emerald Publishing


Description: The issue of sustainability in a higher education context is, to some extent, a recent theme. Since over 600 universities worldwide have committed themselves towards sustainability by signing international agreements and conventions such as the Bologna Charter, The Halifax Declaration, the Talloires Declaration and the Copernicus Charter for Sustainable Development, the journal provides a vital outlet for this emerging research field. More recently, the “Agenda 2030” agreed by the UN General Assembly in November 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mean that higher education institutions should, more than ever, engage on the implementation of sustainable development across all subject areas.


Journal of Cleaner Production

Editor: Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Cecília Maria Villas Bôas de Almeida, Yutao Wang

Publisher: Elsevier


Description: The Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. ‘Cleaner Production’ is a concept that aims at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, resources, and human capital. The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical cleaner production, encompassing environmental, and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies.