Do you teach engineering at a polytechnic?

TU Dublin is hosting the Polytechnic Summit 2021 on 1st – 4th June (which was postponed from June 2020). Many of the themes will be of interest to engineering education researchers. 
This will be a virtual, online summit. For further details & abstract submission please visit:
Should any further information be required please email: 

Workshop on Inclusivity in EER

Inclusivity in Engineering Education & Engineering Education Research? A Misnomer or Mismatch of Expectations?

The UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network are pleased to invite you to our next Roundtable Discussion: Inclusion in Engineering Education – The Role of EER. 

The Event will take place on MS Teams on 11th March 2021, from 1100-1300.  

Grounded in research conducted by the presenters, a number of key variables will be considered in the context of Engineering Education and EER including social class, mental health, gender and ethnicity.  Each conversation will start with a 5 minute presentation and will raise a number of questions for discussion. 


1100: Welcome 

1105: Conversation 1- Jane Andrews & Robin Clark: Mental Health & Attrition in Engineering

1125: Conversation 2: Anne Nortcliffe: Expanding the recruitment pool – WP in action

1145: Conversation 3: Roger Penlington: Extending WP into the Research Community

1205: General Discussion 

1220: Future Network Research Project – An exchange of ideas

1230-1300: Post Event Informal Networking and virtual coffee


PostDoc position at TU Dublin

Technological University Dublin is currently seeking applications for position of Postdoc/Senior Postdoc to work on an EU funded research project called SellSTEM 
Worth €4M under Marie Curie actions, SellSTEM will recruit 15 PhD students across 10 universities in Europe to examine ways to make STEM education and careers more attractive to young people and girls in particular by increasing spatial ability levels.  For details please visit

Closing date is March 1, 2021.
I would be most grateful if you could forward this to anyone you think may be interested in applying.
Regards,  Gavin Duffy

Job Vacancy at WMG, University of Warwick 

Just a brief reminder that we currently have a vacancy for a Senior Teaching Fellow (Study, Professional & Analytical Skills) here at WMG. Those colleagues with an interest in EER are particularly encouraged to apply as we have recently set up a new education research group. The deadline for the job is 7/2/21. Please click the link  for more details or if you’d like a quick chat let me know SPA STF WMG 

Best Wishes



Dr Jane Andrews
Study, Professional & Analytical Skills Lead | WMG | University of Warwick

Marie Curie fellowships in Smart Manufacturing

This intriguing fellowship call is from a research program manager within CONFIRM Centre, a world leading SFI Research Centre in the area of Smart Manufacturing ( It’s not EER research, but since it involves social science aspects (specifically EDI inclusivity), I thought the RREN community might have interest. 

I am writing to share news of an exciting opportunity and the offering of a limited number of prestigious MSCA 24-month research training fellowships with CONFIRM Centre in the Republic of Ireland.

CONFIRM Centre and SMART 4.0 are dedicated to the creation of an empowered, diverse and inclusive workforce which strives for advancements in STEM innovation and equality of opportunity, agnostic of gender or circumstances.  We are seeking applications from suitably qualified postdoctoral (particularly female) researchers, with an interest in the following fields: Data Analytics – AI – Predictive Modelling – Decision Analytics – Product & Process Control – Enterprise Modelling & Simulation – Software systems – HCI – Security & Integration – Networked Systems & IoT – Sensors – Robotics & Control – Materials Processing

Call 3 is now accepting applications and the deadline is 30thApril 2021; successful applicants are expected to be announced in early July 2021.  I attach a flyer with more information on the offering. 

For further information, please visit our website – our Expressions of Interest portal is now live!

I would appreciate if you could please assist me in sharing this prestigious opportunity with your community.


Kind regards,


Dr. Susan Daly BSc PhD CSM

Research Program Manager – SMART 4.0 

Call for Special Issue “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM for a Sustainable Future”

Friends of REEN have asked us to let our network know about their Special Focus issue on sustainability, diversity, and STEM. 

Please see their call for submissions, which we have pasted below.

Dear colleague,

We are happy to announce the possibility to contribute to a Special Issue “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM for a Sustainable Future”, edited by Sustainability, an open access journal by MDPI.
There is evidence that many key performance indicators of academic and non-academic organizations related to the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are strongly determined by the diversity of the workforce in these organisations.  This points to a need to ensure that increasing diversity becomes a key goal for both STEM educators and STEM industry. Evidence suggests that the number of women resigning from technological job positions remains unacceptably high. For example, in western countries, only 20% or less of graduating engineers are female, and often fewer than 10% are part of the engineering workforce.  To increase diversity, equality, and inclusion in STEM education, many different approaches can be implemented at different levels and to different target groups.
This Special Issue aims to address research mainly related to:

  • Theoretical insight into the reasons for this imbalance;
  • Empirical evidence, experimental approaches, and best practices of recruitment and retention in STEM education;
  • Ideas and policy to support gender balance careers in a STEM context.

You can find practical information at the link
Author BenefitsOpen Access: free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Some benefits for articles rated best by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Office can be partially discounted.

Anita Tabacco, Politecnico di Torino (
Gavin Duffy, Technological University Dublin (
Alicia García-Holgado, University of Salamanca (
Rachel Riedner, The George Washington University (

Call for Australasia representative (1 position)

Download a PDF of the call below here.

Dear engineering education research colleagues, 

On behalf of the Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) Governing Board, I would like to announce that we are seeking nominations to fill one board position that has recently opened, representing Australasia (1 position), (Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Island nations, Indonesia, the Philippines). This post is intended to fill an existing appointment term that runs until the end of 2022, at which time the individual may seek re-election. We are hoping to fill this position by the start of March 2021.

The Governing Board is responsible for implementing the mission and goals of REEN by providing strategic direction, continuity, and overall leadership. The main commitment is a monthly 1-hour meeting held online (typically on the first Wednesday of each month at 12 noon British Standard Time), and members are asked also to provide a bit of time between monthly meetings for project work such as: supporting the symposium (e.g., reviewing abstracts and papers), development of special focus journal issues, or serving on project committees. Specifically, this new appointee will be asked to serve as the liaison between the REEN Board and the organizational committee for the upcoming Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES) to be held in (or virtually, from) Perth December 5-8, 2021.

Interested individuals should submit a candidate’s statement for an internal election to be held in February 2021. If you are interested in being a REEN governing board member from this region, please send the following information as a single .docx or .doc file to Shannon Chance ( – Chair of the REEN Governing Board, by Thursday, 18 February 2021:

  1. Motivation statement — 200 words about your involvement in Engineering Education Research (EER) and REEN, describing why you are interested in being on the REEN Governing board.
  2. CV — 200 words highlighting activity and accomplishments in EER, to illustrate what experience, expertise, and contributions you will bring.

Board members must be active in EER; it is preferred that applicants have previously participated in a REES conference and required that they intend to participate in upcoming symposia.

Applications will be evaluated based on the five criteria elaborated below. Note that applicants do not need to have experience in every area to apply!

Exposure and participation in EER 

  • Track record of conference papers and/or journal articles in EER outlets
  • Engagement in EER activities
  • Participation in past/future REES events
  • Peer recognition

Networking and collaboration

  • Networking/organizing to support engineering education research nationally (and ideally, internationally) – Promoting and growing the field
  • Experience organizing conferences, running journals, and/or building national engineering education societies
  • Building networks and supporting community at an institutional, national or regional level

Capacity building

  • Commitment to support others learning, fostering relationships, and mentoring others
  • Supervision of EER research work 

Experience / skills

  • Peer review, particular in engineering education journals and conferences
  • Conference organizing
  • Special issue organizing/editing
  • General organizational/board type of work –e.g. committees, governance

Motivation for wanting to join REEN

  • Does the motivation align with the REEN strategy / vision and the needs of the board?
  • Does the motivation bring out new ideas / initiatives that could be beneficial to add to current REEN activities?

Interviews will be held with shortlisted participants. Announcements of results will be made after the election process.

Please visit the REEN website to join our mailing list or LinkedIn Group and to obtain further information about REEN –


Shannon Chance, PhD

REEN Governing Board Chair