The Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) is a community of scholars interested in conducting high quality work in and advancing the field of Engineering Education Research. We differ from other networks and communities of engineering educators in our primary focus on research in Engineering Education around the world. The mission and vision are presented as statements of the current position and future aspirations for the network.


To provide an independent, international and inclusive forum to advance scholarly discourse on research in Engineering Education.



To establish and maintain an independent, international, vibrant and inclusive community that supports, discusses, and disseminates scholarly research on Engineering Education. The community is intended to nurture new and veteran researchers through collaboration and sound methodological approaches to influence policy at all levels and teaching practices around the globe.



The following goals will make the REEN mission and vision a reality.

  • development of new knowledge and increased understanding of engineering education;

  • development of research competencies in the field of engineering education;

  • sharing of knowledge and experiences among researchers in the field of engineering education;

  • sharing of and mutual respect for different approaches to research, ways of knowing, and  knowledge bases; and

  • meaningful collaboration between engineering education researchers working in different parts of the world.

These goals will be achieved by:

  • spearheading a biennial symposia (REES) for engineering education researchers to meet and learn from one another;

  • supporting locally organized national engineering education meetings where appropriate; and

  • maintaining a website as a portal for the network.


Structure and Governance

The implementation of the mission and vision of REEN into coordinated plans and actions is guided by a Governing Board. The Governing Board is responsible for meeting the goals of REEN and will provide strategic direction, continuity and overall leadership. The members of the Governing Board are intended to represent various key regional communities of engineering education research – Africa (2), Asia (2), Australasia (1), Europe (2), Middle East and Russia (1), North America (2), South and Central America (2). Revisions to the number of representatives for a given region and/or the number of regions will be made based on growth to better represent the diversity of the community. Members are appointed following a vote that includes current and former REEN Governing Board members.

In steady-state, Governing Board members will be appointed for overlapping 4-year terms to provide continuity and the introduction of new viewpoints by various stakeholder groups. The minimum suggested qualifications for Governing Board membership is active participation in at least 1 REES meeting within the past 5 years. The Governing Board is led by a chair who serves in this role for two years. A vice-chair/chair elect is selected a year before becoming the new chair.


Current Governing Board

Past Governing Members