PAEE/ALE’2022 conference call for abstracts

This mail is to make you aware that the deadline for abstract submission for PAEE/ALE’2022 International Conference on Active Learning in Engineering Education is February 13th 2022 (two weeks from now).

Abstract submission: Regardless of the type of submission, in a first stage, contributors are invited to submit an abstract of 300 words using the web submission platform:

We welcome student contributions to the conference. Students who develop project work in their undergraduate or graduate engineering degrees are invited to submit papers on their learning experiences in project work. Student papers will be candidates for the best Student Paper Award.

Important dates:

  • Abstract Submissions: February 13, 2022.
  • Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2022.
  • Full Paper Submissions: June 03, 2022.
  • Early bird registration: June 13, 2022.
  • Conference dates: July 6 – 8, 2022.

Best regards,

Miguel Romá (University of Alicante, Spain)
Valquíria Villas-Boas (Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brazil)
(PAEE/ALE’2022 conference chairs)

REES/AAEE2021 Best Paper awards

Congratulations to the authors recognized for “Best Papers” at REES/AAEE2021 in Perth, Australia! 

Duncan Fraser Award for Best Student Paper, sponsored by Engineering Institute of Technology

Winner: ‘Rural knowledge practices and engineering study: a case study from South Africa’ by Hellen Agumba and Zach Simpson (South Africa)


Best Paper, Research Category

Commendation: ‘Volunteer Professionals in an Undergraduate Design Challenge: Contributing to and Practicing Globally Responsible Engineering ’by Bryce Neuman and Jonathon Truslove (Germany, UK)

Commendation: ‘Recentering local knowledge and developing collaborative relationships: reflections on the design of a localized engineering program for former “street youth” in western Kenya using an asset-based framework’ by Dhinesh Radhakrishnan,  Jennifer DeBoer, and Nrupaja Bhide (USA)

Winner: ‘Professional Shame as a Socio-Psychological Mechanism for Marginalization in Engineering Education’ by Mackenzie B. Sharbine,  James L. Huff,  Nicola W. Sochacka, and Joachim Walther (USA)


Best Paper, Practice Category

Winner: ‘Evaluating Outcomes in Two Engineering “Clinic” Subjects’ by Glenn J. Bradford, Paul N. Beuchat, and Gavin Buskes (Australia)


Australasian Journal of Engineering Education – Best Paper Volume 25

Winner: ‘Exploring student disability and professional identity: navigating sociocultural expectations in U.S. undergraduate civil engineering programs’ by Cassandra McCall,  Ashley Shew, Denise R. Simmons, Marie C. Paretti, and Lisa D. McNair (USA)

REES2021 resounding success, 3 workshops left!

Congratulations and a job well done for REES/AAEE2021, a ground-breaking, time-zone spanning symposium with truly global attendance. Thanks to Sally Male,  Andrew Guzzomi and their team in Australia for organizing and to everyone who facilitated sessions and contributed content, time and effort to make the event a success!
A very high number of people registered/attended this conference, far exceeding past years.
Don’t forget, we still have 3 very interesting workshops on the programme for today, so please consider attending!

AAEE/REES 2021 papers & notes on timezones

Nearly all papers to be presented/discussed at REES 2021 (December 6-8) are now available on the conference website. Simply visit the conference programme at to download the papers you’d like to read. They are open and free to all!

Please remember that REES uses a flipped format — so you need to read the papers ahead of each session as most of the time will be spent in discussion rather than presentation. 

Incidentally, if you’re attending from the global west (American times zones), session slots 8 and 13 will be held during your waking hours. You might also want to catch the slots listed for the morning in Perth (7, 8, 14, 15, etc.).

Keynote slot 12 and workshop session 17 should be a comfortable time of day for most in the American,  European, and African time zones. 

If you’re attending from European and African time zones, you can catch early morning sessions 4 and 11 (that will include people from the global east) or the second iteration of these sessions in your afternoon, in slots 6 and 13 (that will include people from the global west). You can pick one from each slot (4, 6, 11, 13) and therefore catch up to four different research paper sessions during the two-day event, as well as attending a set of keynotes (slot 12) and a workshop (slot 17) on your own waking hours. 

Hats off to AAEE/REES 2021 organizers Sally Male and Andrew Guzzomi for making this complex time-zone puzzle work!

Looking forward to seeing you online at REES!

Shannon Chance, Chair of REEN

Seeking applications for REEN Board (Europe and the Americas)

The Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) Governing Board is seeking applications to fill board positions representing:

  • Europe (1 position)
  • North America (1 position)
  • Central and South America (1 position)

The three new appointees will represent their respective regions for a four-year term (starting February 1, 2022, and running through December 31, 2025). A full call document is available at:


Detailing plans for REES AAEE 2021

Dear colleagues,

RE: Research in Engineering Education Symposium – Australasian Association for Engineering Education 2021 (REES AAEEE 2021)

We are pleased to share that the draft program for REES AAEE 2021 is available on the conference website ( The conference is rich with workshops and papers on themes including engineering education research capability development, engineering education research methods, creator spaces, pedagogy, industry engagement, internships, future needs, Indigenous perspectives, educational technology and engineering education during COVID.

Our romantic plan involves sessions connected around the world. Facilitators from the Research in Engineering Education Network have kindly volunteered to connect from the hybrid sessions in Perth to the online sessions and to report back to the hybrid sessions the following morning. Please check the program, including the notes above the program.

Sessions will be conducted in Zoom. Links will be provided behind a password for registered delegates. Breakout rooms, sharing screens, and chat will be enabled.

Paper presenters
Sessions will be chaired. You will be required to upload a 5-minute recorded video presentation of your paper by Friday 26 November 2021 in MP4 file format. The url for upload will be provided in a subsequent email. Paper sessions will include the recorded presentations followed by questions and discussion about what the papers say about the state of the field, and where researchers should take the field next. Papers are currently being uploaded online so that delegates will be able read them before the conference.

Workshop facilitators
Please ensure that your workshop is active. We encourage you to use breakout rooms available in Zoom and to share links to additional online pages where your participants can share and contribute. If your workshop has been scheduled as a hybrid workshop, a session chair at the conference venue will support participation by those at the venue. We have been asked about participant numbers. Well over 200 delegates have registered from wide-ranging time zones, and there are parallel sessions. The majority of participants are online. Assume that you are unlikely to have more than 40 participants at the venue. Delegates at the venue will have internet-connected devices on which they could type and view a webpage. All delegates attending any one workshop at the conference venue will share a microphone and speakers designed for the whole room.

We will be in touch again with further details as they become available.

Sally Male and Andrew Guzzomi
Research in Engineering Education Symposium – Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2021

Making the most of MOOCs, serious games and online learning communities in your teaching

Interested in making the most of MOOCs, serious games and online learning communities in your teaching? Take part in the INSYSTED webinars!

The INSYSTED project (INtegrated SYSTem for European Digital learning) devised an instructional booklet with practical advice on how to foster soft and digital skills and internationalisation in higher education by using MOOCs, serious games and forum-based learning communities.

The INSYSTED webinars are for university teachers and staff interested in implementing this approach, with a special focus on industrial and management engineering education.


11 November, 5-6.30 pm CET

Designing courses for the post-COVID university

Register at


24 November, 5-6.30 pm CET

Tools and examples from the INSYSTED pedagogical framework

Register at



Innovative REES setup this year – please register!

Are planning to attend the Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES2021) this year, in person or virtually, and perhaps present a paper? AAEE is organizing the Symposium and the REES research papers will be presented in parallel sessions on December 6 & 7. Each one gets discussed twice:
  1. hybrid (face to face plus online) at 3:30 PM Perth time (7:30 AM in my time in Dublin/London) and then again
  2. online only (e.g., at 4 PM Dublin/London time) to allow those in the Americas to participate during their waking hours.

One of the facilitators from the Americas will report back when the Perth attendees arrive the next morning. We’ll be using very short pre-recorded videos of the papers and discussing them REES-style using an online platform like Miro, Canvas, or similar. The online boards will travel around the globe as the discussions do, so we can build upon and capture the discussion. 

The keynote addresses also will be delivered live by the keynote speakers twice: once at a time comfortable in Perth and a second time comfortable for Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas (e.g., 2 PM London/Dublin time) on December 7. The speakers (Dr Cecilia KY Chan and Emeritus Professor James Trevelyan) will stay up late to present to the online attendees. 

Visit the conference website for details on the Program, Speakers, Workshops, and Registration process. Note that those attending in virtual mode only have a very reduced registration fee; it’s just AUD 150 (which is USD 111, EUR 96, GBP 82).

Amazing effort by AAEE in organizing this hyflex event!

Hope to see you there!

Shannon Chance,

Chair of REEN