AAEE/REES 2021 papers & notes on timezones

Nearly all papers to be presented/discussed at REES 2021 (December 6-8) are now available on the conference website. Simply visit the conference programme at https://rees-aaee21.org/program-overview/ to download the papers you’d like to read. They are open and free to all!

Please remember that REES uses a flipped format — so you need to read the papers ahead of each session as most of the time will be spent in discussion rather than presentation. 

Incidentally, if you’re attending from the global west (American times zones), session slots 8 and 13 will be held during your waking hours. You might also want to catch the slots listed for the morning in Perth (7, 8, 14, 15, etc.).

Keynote slot 12 and workshop session 17 should be a comfortable time of day for most in the American,  European, and African time zones. 

If you’re attending from European and African time zones, you can catch early morning sessions 4 and 11 (that will include people from the global east) or the second iteration of these sessions in your afternoon, in slots 6 and 13 (that will include people from the global west). You can pick one from each slot (4, 6, 11, 13) and therefore catch up to four different research paper sessions during the two-day event, as well as attending a set of keynotes (slot 12) and a workshop (slot 17) on your own waking hours. 

Hats off to AAEE/REES 2021 organizers Sally Male and Andrew Guzzomi for making this complex time-zone puzzle work!

Looking forward to seeing you online at REES!

Shannon Chance, Chair of REEN

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