Data repositories for your journal tables

We’ve been investigating places to deposit data (appendices, supporting tables and charts) that can help readers of your journal articles but won’t fit in the print versions, or exceed the allowable page limits. It’s important to provide stable links, so readers in subsequent years can still access these files. 

If you are affiliated with an academic institution, you can probably load your data into the library’s open-access repository,  and then link your journal article to that. 

We here at REEN have also asked Taylor and Francis publishers this question, as they publish AJEE and EJEE. The T&F representative wrote:

I’d suggest the author look at our Author Services page on data sharing, which gives some guidance on finding a suitable data repository. If there’s no suitable subject-specific repository, I’d suggest looking at generalist repositories like Figshare, which allows authors to upload data for free and mints a persistent identifier for the dataset (I think Figshare uses DOI).

T&F currently partners with Figshare to allow authors to upload supplementary material too, so this could be a suitable route.

We will keep an eye on this topic and post updates if new recommendations emerge.


Shannon Chance, PhD, Chair of REEN 

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