Detailing plans for REES AAEE 2021

Dear colleagues,

RE: Research in Engineering Education Symposium – Australasian Association for Engineering Education 2021 (REES AAEEE 2021)

We are pleased to share that the draft program for REES AAEE 2021 is available on the conference website ( The conference is rich with workshops and papers on themes including engineering education research capability development, engineering education research methods, creator spaces, pedagogy, industry engagement, internships, future needs, Indigenous perspectives, educational technology and engineering education during COVID.

Our romantic plan involves sessions connected around the world. Facilitators from the Research in Engineering Education Network have kindly volunteered to connect from the hybrid sessions in Perth to the online sessions and to report back to the hybrid sessions the following morning. Please check the program, including the notes above the program.

Sessions will be conducted in Zoom. Links will be provided behind a password for registered delegates. Breakout rooms, sharing screens, and chat will be enabled.

Paper presenters
Sessions will be chaired. You will be required to upload a 5-minute recorded video presentation of your paper by Friday 26 November 2021 in MP4 file format. The url for upload will be provided in a subsequent email. Paper sessions will include the recorded presentations followed by questions and discussion about what the papers say about the state of the field, and where researchers should take the field next. Papers are currently being uploaded online so that delegates will be able read them before the conference.

Workshop facilitators
Please ensure that your workshop is active. We encourage you to use breakout rooms available in Zoom and to share links to additional online pages where your participants can share and contribute. If your workshop has been scheduled as a hybrid workshop, a session chair at the conference venue will support participation by those at the venue. We have been asked about participant numbers. Well over 200 delegates have registered from wide-ranging time zones, and there are parallel sessions. The majority of participants are online. Assume that you are unlikely to have more than 40 participants at the venue. Delegates at the venue will have internet-connected devices on which they could type and view a webpage. All delegates attending any one workshop at the conference venue will share a microphone and speakers designed for the whole room.

We will be in touch again with further details as they become available.

Sally Male and Andrew Guzzomi
Research in Engineering Education Symposium – Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2021

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