REES 2025 Virtual Forum

Videos of the full sessions and the keynotes are available below. 



The REES 2025 Virtual Forum was hosted on Wednesday, January 15th, to an audience of 62 participants from across all regions in the world. The session started with an overview of the Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) and how it is a professional organization that can be helpful for broadening engineering education research across regions and building capacity for engineering education research in regions that are just developing this line of investigation. Information about past Research in Engineering Education Symposia (REES) events was touched upon, including the great community, interactive sessions, and opportunities for initiating new research projects. Additionally, information about this year’s REES event from September 29th to October 3rd in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, was shared.

The session continued with engaging keynotes from Drs. Ruth Streveler and Esther Matemba about how they both have respectively used communities of practices within their region to support building capacity in engineering education research. Their keynotes were structured to allow for the sharing of their personal experiences embedded with question and answer periods at key time points in their presentations to enable a more enriched discussion with attending participants.

The session ended with a session where REEN board members shared examples of the collaborations that they have built across regions and how these collaborations have been impactful on their own professional development. Participants were encouraged to complete a collaboration form that has since been used by the board to connect individuals that are focused on particular topics and serve as a resource for others that are seeking new collaborations.